Screener 2.0 2022-2023

Designing the industry's most capable, flexible, and intuitive entity screener.

A screener is a traditional finance tool used to apply complex filters to large datasets. While Messari already had an asset screener when I joined, redesigning it was a priority for them.

As the project's design lead on the project, I managed a team of 3 designers to deliver mock ups and flows iteratively to engineering in order to meet tight deadlines.

Today, nearly a year after release, Messari's new screener is driving our growth in Enterprise users, who are drawn to the tool's flexible filtering system on our novel datasets.

  • Design

    Blake (lead), 2 mid-level designers

  • Engineering

    4 FE, 2 BE

  • Product

    1 PM

  • Timeline

    4 months

  • Users

    Hedge fund analysts, BD teams, Retail Investors, Policy Makers

  • Stakeholders

    Company Leadership, Messari Analysts